You can search by titles, keywords, as well as by problems and solutions to situation puzzles. To avoid spoilers, solution texts are excluded from the search results.
A woman entered a building accompanied by a man whom she loves very much. But she left the building with another man, whom she loves very much. What happened?
An exotic dancer goes on a date for a private session with a man. In the room where they are, she takes her shirt and bra off. The man approaches, watches her breasts and smiles. Soon after, she dresses herself up, pays the man and leaves.
A coin collector finds an internet advertisement about a coin collection at a very low price. After reading it carefully, he decides to buy it. Although it is genuine and its value is much higher than the price he pays, he is not happy but very angry.
A man goes to the auto repair shop and asks the mechanic when he is available. The mechanic says he is busy for the next 2 hours. The man thanks him but doesn't return. A few days later, he asks him again, the mechanic says he is busy for the next one hour. Again, the man doesn't return. Next day the man asks him again and the mechanic says "You are lucky, 5 minutes and I'm available" but the man leaves
On first day, nothing in Mary’s behavior surprised John.
On the second day, John was extremely surprised.
On the third day, John got it and switched his opinion about women for the better.
Here we have collected all the vulgar situation puzzles. A collection of dark stories and lateral thinking riddles for an adult company. Keep your friends entertained and excited. You can sort these puzzles by rating or complexity level.