Situation puzzles | Lateral thinking puzzles

In catalog 232 situation puzzles
By Rating
Unopened package
Zakrytaja sumka 5
Unopened package
Unopened package
A man is found dead in a filed. Lying next to him is an unopened package.
9 min.
Mar 2018
Jack and Judy are dead
Jentoni i kleopatra 16
Jack and Judy are dead
Jack and Judy are dead
Jack and Judy were lying on the floor dead. There was a puddle of water and broken glass on the floor. How did they die?
10 min.
Mar 2018
Fatal shot
Smertelnyj vystrel 16
Fatal shot
Fatal shot
A hunter aimed his gun carefully and fired. Seconds later, he realized his mistake. Minutes later, he was dead.
9 min.
Jan 2018
Sweet dreams
Sladkih snov 9
Sweet dreams
Sweet dreams
Matthew keeps reading a bedtime story to his son despite the blackout.
4 min.
Mar 2018
An uncommon man
Lift 11
An uncommon man
An uncommon man
A man lives on the 10th floor of a building. Every morning he takes the elevator to the ground floor to go to work. Upon returning from work he goes up always to floor 7th in the elevator. Then he goes upstairs the 3 remaining floors.
9 min.
Mar 2018
Death: delayed
Smert otlozheno 9
Death: delayed
Death: delayed
Helen never thought that her decision to travel by plane would save her life.
14 min.
Mar 2018
Red high heels
Smertelnye tufli 6
Red high heels
Red high heels
A woman buys a new pair of red high heels. Hours later, she dies.
14 min.
Mar 2018
Don't open The Door
Uzhasnyj cherdak 11
Don't open The Door
Don't open The Door
A little girl was warned by her parents never to open the cellar door. If she did, she would see things that they did not want her to see. One day, while her parents were out, they accidentally left the cellar door unlocked. The girl opened the cellar door. What did she see?
14 min.
Feb 2018
The punch
Jadovityj punsh 10
The punch
The punch
A man went into a party and drank some of the punch. He then left early. Everyone at the party who drunk the punch subsequently died of poisoning. Why did the man not die?
8 min.
Feb 2018
A stranger in the car
Neznakomec v mashine 14
A stranger in the car
A stranger in the car
A married couple was speeding into town when their sedan ran out of gas. The man went for help after making sure his wife closed the windows and locked the doors of the car. Upon his return, he found his wife dead and a stranger in the car. The windows were still closed, the doors were still locked, and no damage was done to the car.
7 min.
Feb 2018
No light
Bez sveta 15
No light
No light
A man woke up at night feeling thirsty. Then he turned off the light everywhere and went to bed again. In the morning he woke up, looked out of the window and yelled. Soon after he committed suicide.
12 min.
Mar 2018
Employee of the Month
Rabotnik mesjaca 7
Employee of the Month
Employee of the Month
Francis dies of a heart attack at work. His colleagues are there when it happens. However, they do not call for help until Francis dies.
7 min.
Mar 2018
About the game

Situation puzzles are intricate mysteries to be solved. Well-known facts seem illogical and strange. Which makes a yes or no riddle even more interesting to solve and to understand what has actually happened. One can't do it without logic and intuition as well as the ability to pay attention to details and reject wrong answers. Everyone who chooses this captivating game will feel like a real detective.

The answer is so unpredictable here that every new riddle is like a leap into the unknown, where the world is turned upside down and impossible things happen. Which, indeed, can be logically explained. When solving a situation puzzle or dark story, numerous ideas keep flashing in your mind, because nobody but the presenter knows what has actually happened, so the most incredible versions are possible...