Situation Puzzles for Kids

In category 62 situation puzzles
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A Raw Egg
A Raw Egg
A Raw Egg
A magician is standing on a concrete floor holding a raw egg with his hand outstretched. Without the aid of any objects, he is able to drop the egg two feet without breaking it's shell. How does he do it?
4 min.
Nov 2023
The Hay
The Hay
The Hay
A horse is tied to a 15 ft. rope and there is a bail of hay 25 ft. away from him, yet the horse is able to eat from the bail of hay. How is this possible?
1 min.
Nov 2023

Here we have collected all the situation puzzles for kids with solutions. These are funny and amusing and will keep your kids captivated for a long time. You can sort these puzzles by rating or complexity level.

 If you are a beginner, read how to play first.