Easy situation puzzles

In category 99 easy situation puzzles
By Rating
Unopened package
Zakrytaja sumka 5
Unopened package
Unopened package
A man is found dead in a filed. Lying next to him is an unopened package.
9 min.
Mar 2018
Jack and Judy are dead
Jentoni i kleopatra 16
Jack and Judy are dead
Jack and Judy are dead
Jack and Judy were lying on the floor dead. There was a puddle of water and broken glass on the floor. How did they die?
10 min.
Mar 2018
Sweet dreams
Sladkih snov 9
Sweet dreams
Sweet dreams
Matthew keeps reading a bedtime story to his son despite the blackout.
4 min.
Mar 2018
An uncommon man
Lift 11
An uncommon man
An uncommon man
A man lives on the 10th floor of a building. Every morning he takes the elevator to the ground floor to go to work. Upon returning from work he goes up always to floor 7th in the elevator. Then he goes upstairs the 3 remaining floors.
9 min.
Mar 2018
A stranger in the car
Neznakomec v mashine 14
A stranger in the car
A stranger in the car
A married couple was speeding into town when their sedan ran out of gas. The man went for help after making sure his wife closed the windows and locked the doors of the car. Upon his return, he found his wife dead and a stranger in the car. The windows were still closed, the doors were still locked, and no damage was done to the car.
7 min.
Feb 2018
Employee of the Month
Rabotnik mesjaca 7
Employee of the Month
Employee of the Month
Francis dies of a heart attack at work. His colleagues are there when it happens. However, they do not call for help until Francis dies.
7 min.
Mar 2018
The Black Cat
Chernaja koshka 14
The Black Cat
The Black Cat
A black cat is walking through the middle of a road where there is a broken street lamp. A man is driving his vehicle with headlights that do not work. Despite all of this, he is able to avoid harming the cat.
4 min.
Mar 2018
The Wheel Replacement
The Wheel Replacement
The Wheel Replacement
A man is replacing a wheel on his car, when he accidentally drops the four nuts used to hold the wheel on the car, and they fall into a deep drain, irretrievably lost. A passing girl offers him a solution which enables him to drive home. What is it? (keep you mind out of the drain)
4 min.
Jan 2023
The accident
Sluchajnyj sluchaj 8
The accident
The accident
A car driver causes an accident when he crashes into a bike, as he was making an unexpected turn at a crossroad. When the policemen arrive, another man gets arrested. The one who was driving is carried home.
9 min.
Jan 2018
It didn't seem that serious
Sovsem ne pustjak 4
It didn't seem that serious
It didn't seem that serious
Anthony couldn't have imagine his cold would be the cause of his death.
7 min.
Mar 2018
On a bus
V avtobuse 226
On a bus
On a bus
When on a bus, Kate wanted to offer her seat to a woman who's just goton. But she was very embarrassed and refused. Why?
9 min.
Jun 2020
A secret room
A secret room
A secret room
Sherlock Holmes had a secret room, and the key to it was in a chest of drawers. He didn’t let anyone in there – neither Dr. Watson, nor Mrs. Hudson. But when Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson left, Mrs. Hudson decided to see what was in the room, took the key, opened the room, and entered. She walked around the room, approached a table, opened a book lying on it. Suddenly, she heard footsteps downstairs, and Holmes’s voice, “I forgot something.” Mrs. Hudson quickly closed the book, put it back, went to the door, turned off the light, left the room, closed the door, and managed to put the key back. Holmes took the key, opened the door, looked into the room, and immediately asked, “Mrs. Hudson, why did you enter my room?” How did Holmes know that Mrs. Hudson had entered his room?
4 min.
Jan 2022
Easy situation puzzles in categories

This page contains easy and interesting situation puzzles from all over the world which our community managed to collect. There’s an answer to each of them. The situation puzzles are sorted by ascending complexity (the easiest go first) based on the website users’ opinion.