Situation Puzzles for Kids

In category 63 situation puzzles
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I was having dinner with my friend and he said to find a hidden place so that he would not be seen. After a while, my friend exploded.
8 min.
Nov 2021
Want to print some cash?
Mashina obmanshhica 8
Want to print some cash?
Want to print some cash?
A man designed a device into which you can insert colored paper, and then get the ideal 100$. Experts can not distinguish them from the real ones. How does he do that, and why does he sell this device?
15 min.
Jan 2018
The Chase
The Chase
The Chase
A man is running, a crowd is running after him. The man is screaming to the crowd:"You will never see the gold!" and he starts shooting. People who observe all that are exulting.
7 min.
Jan 2018
The Flayer
Zhivodjor 3
The Flayer
The Flayer
The man received the parcel in which he found a dead mouse. He reported this to the police, and the sender of this parcel was found guilty of fraud.
22 min.
Jan 2018
A honeyman
Myodved 227
A honeyman
A honeyman
Many people were surprised when a famous town merchant named Bill rolled out a barrel of honey to the square and offered everyone a treat. But people were even more surprised when they asked about the reason for such a gift and heard Bill reply that it wasn’t a gift at all.
5 min.
Sep 2020
A secret room
A secret room
A secret room
Sherlock Holmes had a secret room, and the key to it was in a chest of drawers. He didn’t let anyone in there – neither Dr. Watson, nor Mrs. Hudson. But when Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson left, Mrs. Hudson decided to see what was in the room, took the key, opened the room, and entered. She walked around the room, approached a table, opened a book lying on it. Suddenly, she heard footsteps downstairs, and Holmes’s voice, “I forgot something.” Mrs. Hudson quickly closed the book, put it back, went to the door, turned off the light, left the room, closed the door, and managed to put the key back. Holmes took the key, opened the door, looked into the room, and immediately asked, “Mrs. Hudson, why did you enter my room?” How did Holmes know that Mrs. Hudson had entered his room?
5 min.
Jan 2022
The king
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The king
The king
Alexander shot at the king, but no one condemned him. Why?
5 min.
May 2023
Metal tube
Metal tube
Metal tube
A woman enters a large metal tube. She is overcome with fear and clenches her boyfriend’s hand tightly. She is visibly shaken. Her boyfriend gently rubs her arms and speaks softly to her, but is unaffected himself. A few hours later, the woman’s boyfriend tells her that it’s time to go and her torment ends. What was happening to the woman?
1 min.
Jul 2023
The Man in the Mask
The Man in the Mask
The Man in the Mask
The man was afraid to go home because the man in the mask was there.
12 min.
Nov 2023
The Hay
The Hay
The Hay
A horse is tied to a 15 ft. rope and there is a bail of hay 25 ft. away from him, yet the horse is able to eat from the bail of hay. How is this possible?
1 min.
Nov 2023
Off With Their Beards!
Chisto vybritye 11
Off With Their Beards!
Off With Their Beards!
Why Alexander the Great told his army to shave off their beards?
23 min.
Jan 2018
The Millionaire
The Millionaire
The Millionaire
A man buys rice at $1 a pound from American growers and sells it for 2 cents a pound. As a result of this he becomes a millionaire. How could this be?
15 min.
Nov 2023

Here we have collected all the situation puzzles for kids with solutions. These are funny and amusing and will keep your kids captivated for a long time. You can sort these puzzles by rating or complexity level.

 If you are a beginner, read how to play first.