Funny Situation Puzzles

In category 48 situation puzzles
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Prison break
Pobeg 1
Prison break
Prison break
Michael is in prison. One day, he has luch, goes to prison courtyard for a while and finally visits the library. At dusk, out of the reach of the security cameras, he changes his clothes. He then goes through the door to leave the prison, without being caught.
6 min.
Jan 2018
The Flat Tire
Spushhennoe koleso 3
The Flat Tire
The Flat Tire
The man was going to go to work by car, but found that one of the tires was flat. Without doing anything, he got into the car and drove 20 kilometers to work and then back home, without the slightest embarrassment. How could he manage it?
8 min.
Jan 2018
Pear inside a bottle
Grusha v butylke 1
Pear inside a bottle
Pear inside a bottle
How do you get a full-grown pear inside a bottle of brandy?
5 min.
Feb 2018
Taksist 14
A woman asks a driver to take her home. The whole way she talks, too much. The taxist tells her: "I'm sorry but I am deaf." The woman falls silent. But when she goes out of the taxi, she understands that the driver isn't deaf.
8 min.
Mar 2018
Hearing aid
Sluhovoj apparat 3
Hearing aid
Hearing aid
A man was furious, when he realized that he can hear better without hearing aid that he was using the last 20 years. He went to his doctor to complain but the specialist became even more furious than him.
2 min.
Mar 2018
An unexpected ending
Neozhidannyj konec 1
An unexpected ending
An unexpected ending
An exotic dancer goes on a date for a private session with a man. In the room where they are, she takes her shirt and bra off. The man approaches, watches her breasts and smiles. Soon after, she dresses herself up, pays the man and leaves.
9 min.
Mar 2018
The Black Cat
Chernaja koshka 14
The Black Cat
The Black Cat
A black cat is walking through the middle of a road where there is a broken street lamp. A man is driving his vehicle with headlights that do not work. Despite all of this, he is able to avoid harming the cat.
4 min.
Mar 2018
A pipe
A pipe
A pipe
Two monkeys are looking through a pipe that happened to be in a glade. The pipe is straight, not too long and not clogged. Monkeys look through the opposite ends of the pipe, but don’t see each other there. Why?
1 min.
Feb 2022
The Hay
The Hay
The Hay
A horse is tied to a 15 ft. rope and there is a bail of hay 25 ft. away from him, yet the horse is able to eat from the bail of hay. How is this possible?
1 min.
Nov 2023
The smuggling
The smuggling
The smuggling
A man comes up to the border of a neighboring country on his motorcycle. The customs officer at the border crossing stops him and searches the man. He finds nothing so he lets him cross. The next day the same thing happens. This goes on every day for several months. Then one day, the man doesnʼt show up. The border official meets up with him in a restaurant in the city. The officer says, “I know youʼre smuggling something and itʼs driving me crazy. Itʼs all I think about. I canʼt even sleep. Just between you and me, what are you smuggling?” What is the man smuggling?
2 min.
Nov 2023
A murderer
Ubijca 7
A murderer
A murderer
Michael applaused, and everyone in the room (except him) died. What happened?
11 min.
Feb 2018
A deaf man
A deaf man
A deaf man
A deaf man came into a store to pick up flowers he ordered for his beloved wife. How did he explain that he needs to pick up the flowers that he ordered before?
10 min.
Jan 2023

Here we have collected all the funny situation puzzles with solutions. Funny dark stories will not only make you laugh but will also keep your brain busy. Unexpected solutions will surprise you. You can sort these puzzles by rating or complexity level.