You can search by titles, keywords, as well as by problems and solutions to situation puzzles. To avoid spoilers, solution texts are excluded from the search results.
Michael is in prison. One day, he has luch, goes to prison courtyard for a while and finally visits the library. At dusk, out of the reach of the security cameras, he changes his clothes. He then goes through the door to leave the prison, without being caught.
A woman entered a building accompanied by a man whom she loves very much. But she left the building with another man, whom she loves very much. What happened?
Three ducklings are swimming in the lake in a row.
The first duckling says, “There are two ducklings swimming behind me.”
The second duckling says, “There is one duckling swimming in front of me, and another duckling is swimming behind me.”
The third duckling says, “There are two ducklings swimming in front of me, and another one is swimming behind me.”
How is it possible?
A woman enters a large metal tube. She is overcome with fear and clenches her boyfriend’s hand tightly. She is visibly shaken. Her boyfriend gently rubs her arms and speaks softly to her, but is unaffected himself. A few hours later, the woman’s boyfriend tells her that it’s time to go and her torment ends. What was happening to the woman?
A horse is tied to a 15 ft. rope and there is a bail of hay 25 ft. away from him, yet the horse is able to eat from the bail of hay. How is this possible?
A woman is watching a movie. Suddenly she hears a lot of explosions and people screaming outside. Then there is silence. The woman turns off the TV and goes to sleep.
The man was going to go to work by car, but found that one of the tires was flat. Without doing anything, he got into the car and drove 20 kilometers to work and then back home, without the slightest embarrassment. How could he manage it?
This page contains the newest interesting situation puzzles from around the world. There’s an answer to each of them. By default, the situation puzzles are sorted by date added.