Situation Puzzles for Kids

In category 62 situation puzzles
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Time to sleep
Vremja spat 10
Time to sleep
Time to sleep
A woman is watching a movie. Suddenly she hears a lot of explosions and people screaming outside. Then there is silence. The woman turns off the TV and goes to sleep.
4 min.
Jan 2018
An open door
Otkrytaja dver 16
An open door
An open door
When Martin woke up that morning, he was surprised to see the door open. As soon as he crossed the threshold he got beheaded.
10 min.
Jan 2018
On a bus
V avtobuse 226
On a bus
On a bus
When on a bus, Kate wanted to offer her seat to a woman who's just goton. But she was very embarrassed and refused. Why?
9 min.
Jun 2020
Pryzhok 12
A man jumped out of plane. And he survived.
1 min.
Mar 2018
The village idiot
Derevenskij durachok 4
The village idiot
The village idiot
Visitors to a scenic mountain village were often amused by the village idiot. When offered a choice between a shiny 50-cent piece and a crumpled $5 bill, he would always happily choose the half-dollar. The bill was worth ten times as much, so why did he never choose it?
6 min.
Feb 2018
Rich couple
Bogachi 10
Rich couple
Rich couple
A man and a woman got married. After the wedding they abandoned all their activities, that were bringing them money, and only had fun. As a result, in three years they became millionaires.
5 min.
Jan 2018
More cats
Nashestvie kotov 14
More cats
More cats
A woman went on vacation and asked a friend to look after her cat. A week later, 8 cats were running around the apartment!
7 min.
Jan 2018
First in the class
Klass otlichnikov 8
First in the class
First in the class
A man, who was examining some school, noticed that any time a teacher was asking a question, lots of pupils were ready to answer. Moreover, every time the teacher was choosing another person and the answer was always right.
8 min.
Feb 2018
The parrot
Popugaj 5
The parrot
The parrot
A woman walks into a pet store to buy a parrot. The seller offers her one, telling her that it can repeat everything it hears. Some days later the woman - feeling cheated - goes back into the store to get her money back. However, she comes back home with the parrot and not her money.
9 min.
Mar 2018
The Flat Tire
Spushhennoe koleso 3
The Flat Tire
The Flat Tire
The man was going to go to work by car, but found that one of the tires was flat. Without doing anything, he got into the car and drove 20 kilometers to work and then back home, without the slightest embarrassment. How could he manage it?
9 min.
Jan 2018
A murderer
Ubijca 7
A murderer
A murderer
Michael applaused, and everyone in the room (except him) died. What happened?
11 min.
Feb 2018
The lost treasure
Poterjannoe sokrovishhe 13
The lost treasure
The lost treasure
Jimmy hid a treasure but when he wanted to recover it, he was not able to.
20 min.
Mar 2018

Here we have collected all the situation puzzles for kids with solutions. These are funny and amusing and will keep your kids captivated for a long time. You can sort these puzzles by rating or complexity level.

 If you are a beginner, read how to play first.