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Situation puzzleSavages also can be clever

Aborigines lived on an island in the middle of the ocean. However, they found a way to get rich. How did they do it?

There were porcelain vases left at the ocean bottom after a shipwreck. For 100 years, the most experienced divers couldn’t get them.

The aborigines invented a clever method. They caught octopuses, tied them down, and plunged into the water.

Then they waited until the animals find places to hide inside porcelain bowls and vessels among the pile of ship wreckage. Octopuses turned out to be stubborn – they didn’t want to part with their favorite dwelling, even when being pulled by the rope.

Sometimes, the octopus pulled a stone instead of the porcelain, but it worked out all right.

From “Primates of the sea” by Igor Akimushkin

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69% users
Liked this situation puzzle
34 minutes
Average guessing time
8/10 Hard
According to 25 users
24 February 2021
Created about 4 years ago

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