You can search by titles, keywords, as well as by problems and solutions to situation puzzles. To avoid spoilers, solution texts are excluded from the search results.
Sally was sleeping when she was awoken by Jack. She walked to the door and found a letter. She read it and began to cry. She now knew that her boyfriend would never see her again. Why?
Four college students were late for a lecture and explained it to the lecturer by having a flat tire. The smart lecturer quickly proved to the rest of the audience that the latecomers had lied. How?
Many people were surprised when a famous town merchant named Bill rolled out a barrel of honey to the square and offered everyone a treat.
But people were even more surprised when they asked about the reason for such a gift and heard Bill reply that it wasn’t a gift at all.
The doorbell rings. Bill opens the door. On the threshold, he sees a local vagrant.
"Hello," says the vagrant, "as usual, I was going around the garbage pits and in one of them found a wallet with $1,000 and your ID. You must have thrown it away by mistake."
"Right!" says Bill joyfully. "My wallet! Thank you so much!"
"Please check the contents." the vagrant asks.
"One thousand even!" confirms Bill, counting the bills hastily. Then he takes a $20 bill out of the pack and gives it to the vagrant, "This is from me with thanks!"
They part, being quite content with each other.
"Who was it?" Bill’s wife asks.
Bill laughs and tells his wife what happened.
Why’s it funny?
A man was walking with a gold ring on his finger. Suddenly robbers attacked him. They wanted to take the ring but couldn’t take it off. So, they cut off the finger and ran away. However, the man didn’t even scream. Why?
Sherlock Holmes was walking down the corridor. Suddenly he heard a woman screaming, “Please, John, don’t kill me!” A shot rang. Holmes burst into the room. In one corner lay a dead woman and a gun. In another corner stood a postman, a lawyer, and an accountant. Sherlock looked at them, approached the postman, and grabbed him: “I will arrest you for killing this woman.” It was really the postman who killed this woman, but how could Holmes know it?
A mother-in-law disliked her son-in-law so much that she wanted to poison him. But the son-in-law was careful and always ate only what his mother-in-law ate. Over dinner one night, the mother-in-law cut a piece of meat in half, ate one half herself, and gave the other to her son-in-law. After that he died. How did she manage to do it?
This page contains the newest interesting situation puzzles from around the world. There’s an answer to each of them. By default, the situation puzzles are sorted by date added.