New situation puzzles

In category 219 new situation puzzles
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Prison break
Pobeg 1
Prison break
Prison break
Michael is in prison. One day, he has luch, goes to prison courtyard for a while and finally visits the library. At dusk, out of the reach of the security cameras, he changes his clothes. He then goes through the door to leave the prison, without being caught.
5 min.
Jan 2018
Restless sleep
Bespokojnyj son 15
Restless sleep
Restless sleep
Paul comes home tired. He goes to his room and turns off the light to sleep. After a while, feeling uneasy, he turns on the light and looks around. He turns the light back off and tries to sleep again. After repeating this several times, he takes a look under his bed and finds a dead body.
15 min.
Jan 2018
Doctor, doctor
Vrachi ne pomogli 7
Doctor, doctor
Doctor, doctor
A man goes to the doctor to get the results of some previous tests. The results do not show up any health issues. However, he commits suicide shortly after the visit.
16 min.
Jan 2018
New situation puzzles in categories

This page contains the newest interesting situation puzzles from around the world. There’s an answer to each of them. By default, the situation puzzles are sorted by date added.